Wedding Venues in Columbus, Ohio
There are many great wedding ceremony and reception venues in Columbus, Ohio. How do you know which wedding venue is best for you and your specific needs? The Botanica Floral Artisans have worked with the best of the best throughout Columbus, Ohio and the surrounding area.
Hotels Perfect For Weddings & Special Events in Columbus, Ohio
Some hotels are perfect for Weddings and Special events in Columbus, Ohio. Your friends and family are flying or driving in from all over the state or country just to be here for you on your wedding day. These friends and family make sacrifices, travel and incur the costs to celebrate with you. Why not refer them to a great quality hotel in Columbus, Ohio. We’ve provided some of the best places to stay in Columbus.
Wedding and event Planners and Coordinators in Columbus Ohio
Wedding Photographers in Columbus, Ohio
Finding the best Wedding Photographers in Columbus, Ohio can be difficult. A great wedding photographer is essential to preserving the memories of your wedding day for years to come. What should you know when selecting a Columbus, Ohio Wedding Photographer? How do you know who a good Wedding Photographer is and who just started in the business? We’ve put together a group of high quality wedding photographers in Columbus Ohio and the surrounding areas and we asked them all the same questions. When the lights dim, everyone is leaving and the best night of your life has come to a close, you want to hold on to this day forever. There’s no better way to do this than a professional wedding photographer.
Wedding Cake Bakeries in Columbus, Ohio
Searching for the best Wedding Cake Bakery and Best Wedding Cake Decorators in Columbus, Ohio can be a daunting task. How do you know who the best Wedding Cake Bakers are in Columbus, Ohio? Maybe you know someone that bakes and designs wedding cakes, maybe you have a favorite bakery, or maybe you simply don’t know where to start at all. What questions should you ask a Wedding Cake Decorator or Wedding Cake Bakery in Columbus, Ohio? At Botanica Floral Artisans we have worked with and around many of the best Wedding Cake Bakers, Wedding Cake Bakeries and wedding Cake Decorators in Columbus, Ohio. We have assembled a group of wedding cake designers who implement true perfection in their art! We have also taken the time to ask them each all the same Wedding Cake related questions and have documented their responses.
Caterers for weddings and events in Columbus, Ohio
When planning your dream wedding, every aspect becomes important, but for food lovers, the biggest question becomes "What will we eat"? Most couples are searching for a wedding caterer who will not only provide great food but also cover all the needed services that go along with it. We have compiled a list of some our very own favorite wedding caterers in Columbus Ohio.
You’ve just been asked the big question and the first thing you want to do is find wedding dress shops in Columbus Oh, however, you don’t really know where to start with this. Botanica has a group of wedding attire shops that we can confidently recommend to the lucky bride-to-be.
Wedding DJs in Columbus, Ohio
The best wedding DJ's in Columbus, Ohio are the DJ's that create memories and that play music that is profoundly linked to your own personal memory. Our brains are hard wired to connect music with long term memory that is why selecting the right wedding DJ is so important. When it comes to DJ's in Columbus, Ohio, we’ve partnered with the very best. The wedding DJ will set the mood and more importantly help trigger great memories of the biggest day of your life! Our wedding and event DJ partners are quality entertainers that will help make your wedding day unforgettable. We take the time to ask all our wedding DJ's Partners the same questions so that you can compare their answers.
Wedding and Event Videographer in Columbus, Ohio
The art of Videography refers to the process of capturing moving images onto electronic media. While traditional photography is still necessary, videography lends itself to capturing every single detail of your wedding or event to play back for years to come in a video format. For a unique and unforgettable keepsake of one of the biggest days of your life, consider our recommended videographers in the Columbus, Ohio area. We've asked each of our preferred videographers a series of important questions you might ask a videographer for your reference on each individual page.
Specialty wedding and event vendors in Columbus Ohio
Specialty Wedding Linens and Chair Covers in Columbus, Ohio
How do you select the best place to rent Wedding Linens and Chair Covers in Columbus, Ohio? Have you even had a chance to think about linens for your wedding day with all of the excitement of everything else? No problem, because we have! We have partnered with the highest of quality wedding and event linen companies in Columbus Oh. Your linens are simply another subtle detail of your wedding day that can change an entire mood or setting that you’re trying to convey.
Schedule a Free Consultation
We offer a free wedding or event consultation at any one of our four Columbus locations and choose your own day and time to accommodate your schedule.
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Free Consultations
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6311 East Main StreetReynoldsburg, OH 43068
4785 East Broad StreetWhitehall, OH 43213
1600 Morse RoadColumbus, OH 43229
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Floral Event Artisans by Flowerama. All rights reserved. Site by m2.